Friday, October 5, 2012

Pinterest Cooking 2

Been awhile since I've done a blog..but this morning seemed like a great one to do some pinterest cooking. Now so far I have only done hard "boiled" eggs and a potato thingy but maybe I'll do more later on today and add it.

My first experiment was this pin: HERE

So basically instead of boiling the eggs you bake them..seems simple enough. Mine are still cooling (which they didn't say to dunk in ice water like you normally would so I am just letting them air cool). I am so impatient and tried them before they were totally cooled..they are actually really good. It totally works! It took about the same time as boiling them but without the mess of water and a pot. Because you put them in a cupcake tin they don't make a mess (as long as they don't break) so clean up is nothing!

Here is a quick pic of how mine came out of the oven:
You can see that the couple in the back got speckled from being in the oven, no big deal though, we dug into like 3 of them from the front and they each had a couple spot inside, I guess you could say they burned slightly, but you can't taste it. Still super yummy and thanks to our last trip staying in a hotel I have a new found love of eating them with Tabasco sauce (YUMMM). So I think I will stick to this method from now on, oh I forgot, taking the shell off it about the same too..what I personally do to take off the shell is take the egg, tap the top tip on the counter gently, then tap the bottom and then I tap the sides slightly rolling it in my hand (not sure if I explained that well..I can always upload a video if need be) but that cracks all the shell and usually it is super easy to remove it from there.

My second experiment is from this pin: HERE

Now this claims it is better than fries, hmm..we shall see. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life it would totally be french So again I just followed the directions and let me just say that it isn't the easiest thing to thinly slice a potato without going all the way through. Also a few slices were crooked so some of the thin pieces were actually cut off but I just put them back in their spots.

This is mine:

 (as you can see they didn't always open apart when I cut them)

This is my mom's:
(she kept cutting all the way through)

They don't look as pretty as the ones in the picture but we shall see how they turn out..So I was cooking them for the time they said, I looked at them and they didn't look that brown so I did 5 min more. Took them out and they were still raw so I put them in for 15 more min. (My potatoes are HUGE so I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not, I didn't think so since they are being sliced thin but I dunno) so after the 15 min I took them out and they still were pretty raw, back into the oven for another 25 min.

Here they are ready to go into the oven:
(when I was adding the Olive oil I manually separated most of the pieces.)

This is them after the 45 min:
Then after 1 hour:
(Getting better but still not good enough)

After 1 hour 25 min:
Okay mom's potato (on the right) is super crispy on top but on the bottom it's still raw, mine was 'eh' crispy on top and more like a baked potato throughout. I ate mine because it was yummy but only okay, probably won't do it again. I'm chalking it up to a Pin-FAIL :)

Holloween Ghost with the boys

I am supposed to be cleaning today and organizing the garage. What better way to put it off than doing a fun holiday craft with my boys :)

Since it's October and they are old enough to understand holidays I figured we would do some decorating. Now being the frugal mom I am we have been looking around at thrift stores and pretty much just waiting until after Halloween for it all to go on sale (heck yeah I will wait so I can get it for 60% off). So far we only found one cute (but small) little wooden kitty cat thing so I want to do more. I found some fun Pins on Pinterest for Halloween crafts so I got the idea of the boys and I making some decorations.

We've only done one so far but as we do more I will add them.

First decoration: Inspiration

Now I just want to start off saying that I just went onto pinterest and saw all the awsomeness my friend's had pinned and just repinned this without opening it. I also didn't open it to make my own (sorry) Going back and looking at it now I did things differently.

Here is our finished product:
I decided to hang them on the screen (if I had more cotton balls I would have had them make more) But since this was a last minute project I used what I had.

Materials I used:

Scrapbook cardstock paper in black and white (you just need scrap pieces for the black)
Glue sticks
Cotton balls
String or ribbon (I actually used shot line because that is all I could find lol)
Hole punch (I couldn't find mine so I used a sharp screw)

*I want to add that I glanced at this when just repinning and did it from memory and was bummed when I could only find orange shot line (from when Hubby was on a ship) I wanted like black or white even but then I looked back at this pin before writing this blog and she used orange too..score 1 for me! lol

All I did was draw out a ghost shape free hand on my paper and then cut it out
 (sorry for the crappy pic, all these were from my phone)

Then I cut out two small circles and one big circle for each ghost and then I was ready to get the boys involved.

All you have to do it spread glue all over the whole ghost (I helped the kids make sure they got every inch) Then give them the cotton balls and let them have at it..
(I did help line some of the edges to show the shape better but for the most part they did it on their own)

They had a blast and are so proud of them :)

Last step is punching a hole (or in my case poking a hole) through the top (but leave enough space on top so it doesn't break through) and tying your string through it and hang or tape up or whatever! :)

We might go to the store and get more cotton balls to make more or I might just browse my pins and see what other goodies I can make with what I have on hand :)