Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bon Voyage..

I am NOT a single mother..I am and Navy Wife and proud of it..My husband may leave but he will be back, the months he is gone are tough but its my life. He choose to defend the lives of many no matter what the cost and I support him 100%. Don't ask me how I do it, I don't know, I just do..My life could be worse, your life could be worse..Never take for granted what you have. 
 Some days I may just want to be by myself and not answer the door or be polite, I think I'm entitled to that. Some days I will want a distraction but he will never be off my mind, no matter what. Some days I will just want to stay in my PJ's all day and that is okay. Don't apologize to did nothing wrong, no one did, it's just life.
The peeves that get to me are "I don't know how you do it", "I'm sorry", and "I feel so bad for you". First of all..why do you feel bad for me? I am more proud of my husband than you ever can be, (no offense to any industry) but my husband protects your freedom, what does yours do?? Second why are you going to ask me how I survive? Some days I do and some days I don' there a certain answer you are looking for? If there is just tell me what you want to hear and I'll say it but I don't regret living this Military life..sometimes it sucks, sometimes it sucks more times than not but you know what I can say that I am among the elite and in a special class that is stronger than most. An alliance that can hold our heads high because our husbands leave us for the sake of our Country. I am a Military Wife and I wouldn't change a thing..Last but not least why would someone apologize to me?? I think that is a problem in our language we've started filling in certain blanks with the words "I'm sorry". There is no need for it. You didn't hurt me you didn't make my husband didn't do anything to me. Now maybe you have taken advantage of your freedom (as have I and most everyone else in the country) but I am not God, I'm not here to judge you. The Bible says "Judge not lest ye be judged" Matthew 7:1 and trust me I don't want to go there (ha ha ha). 

Look I'm not trying to "yell" at anyone..I get it "civilians" don't understand and most don't try too and honestly I am guilty of saying the wrong things to other military wives at times but I just figured I would write out my feelings..just for the sake of being able I appreciate all of my friends that are keeping me in the prayers during this deployment and for all the kind words. Its kind of weird being "Thanked" because I don't feel like I'm doing much other than living my life but I appreciate it and hope everyone keeps my husband and his ship in your prayers. 
**If you see someone in uniform take a minute and thank them,no matter where you are, it may seem weird in the moment but it will mean a lot to them.**


  1. **applaud** I <3 U Sweetie!!

  2. I feel the same sometimes! I send you a huge hug! You got right to the point of it! I love it!
